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Configure an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster


This page contains information for configuring a managed AKS cluster with the appropriate network access for use with Constellation Distributed Serving.

This feature (and its associated documentation) is currently in beta.

This feature is only available in Algorithmia Enterprise installations.

Table of Contents

Creating an AKS cluster

Log in to the Azure Portal and navigate to Kubernetes services. Click + Create and + Create a Kubernetes cluster from the dropdown.

Choose a Resource group, Kubernetes cluster name, Region, and Kubernetes version. At present, only Kubernetes 1.18.x has been fully validated with Constellation, so you should select this minor version.

Click Next: Node Pools.

In the Node Pools tab, click on the agentpool node pool.

In the Update node pool form, change Max pods per node to 30 and click Update. Each node gets a number of IP addresses equal to this max pods value. The subnet size, along with max pods per node, determines how many total nodes the AKS cluster can have.

Click Next: Authentication and Next: Networking. Under Network configuration select Azure CNI, and under Network policy select Calico.

Click Next: Integrations.

In the Integrations tab click Create new under Container registry to create a new container registry to hold the algorithm container images from Constellation.

Once you’ve created the registry, click Review + create to validate your configuration. When validation passes, click Create to provision the cluster.

Once the AKS cluster is provisioned (this may take several minutes), it’s a good idea to make sure you can connect with it from the command line before continuing with configuration in the portal. The following section describes how to do this, and in the section after that we’ll walk through the steps to enable ingress on the cluster to support Constellation’s networking requirements.

Connecting to an AKS cluster

To begin, you’ll need to install the Azure CLI if you don’t already have it locally on your system. You can check whether you have it installed, or confirm that an installation was successful, by running az version.

To authenticate with the CLI, run az login and follow the instructions in the browser window that appears.

Once you’ve successfully authenticated, run the following command to pull your AKS cluster’s kubeconfig file to your local machine and then move it to your working directory.

$ az aks get-credentials --overwrite-existing \
    --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name AKS_CLUSTER_NAME

You’ll now be able to run standard kubectl commands, e.g.:

$ kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE     NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   calico-node-jv2nt                                     1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   calico-node-kfx8s                                     1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   calico-typha-deployment-5664ccf987-pjl2x              1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   calico-typha-horizontal-autoscaler-78dd9bb4b5-4ggzp   1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   coredns-77b8db5487-glnff                              1/1     Running   0          66m
kube-system   coredns-77b8db5487-plk9x                              1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   coredns-autoscaler-cb5bc68df-wfpxk                    1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   ingress-appgw-deployment-66dd8d446c-8tjk2             1/1     Running   3          58m
kube-system   kube-proxy-jk49x                                      1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   kube-proxy-pfx5x                                      1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   metrics-server-58fdc875d5-647c7                       1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   omsagent-mnxwd                                        1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   omsagent-pl8sx                                        1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   omsagent-rs-59b49d4f67-wps9q                          1/1     Running   0          67m
kube-system   tunnelfront-569956df56-s46jp                          1/1     Running   0          67m

You can also query the Amazon Container Registry (ACR) service to list the registry created in the AKS configuration steps above. Note that for the account used in this demonstration, the target registry is the first item returned from listing the registries, but this may not be the case in your account.

az acr list | jq '.[0].name'

Enabling ingress to an AKS cluster

Once the AKS cluster is provisioned, navigate to the cluster and select Networking under Settings in the left-hand submenu. Select the Enable ingress controller option and click Save.

Note that a new application gateway may need to be created if an application gateway subnet isn’t already configured. If this is the case, under the Application gateway section that appears, click Create new or navigate to the Load balancing service and click Application gateway and then + Create.

In the Basic tab, select the same Resource group and Region that the AKS cluster are in. For Virtual network (VNet), enter the name of the VNet in which the AKS cluster is provisioned, appending -vnet to the end of the name.

Click Next: Frontends and make sure the Frontend IP address type is Public. For the Public IP address, select an existing address or create a new one.

Click Next: Backends and click Add a backend pool to add a virtual machine scale set (VMSS) backend pool targeting the AKS node pool configured above (for the configuration shown above in this guide, the Target type would be VMSS and the Target would be “agentpool”).

Click Next: Configuration and click + Add a routing rule.

Under the Listener tab, configure the new routing rule with the Frontend IP set to Public and the Port set to the default value of 80.

Now click the Backend targets tab. For the Backend target, select your backend pool from above to specify where to send traffic.

Now click Add new under the HTTP settings field to create a new HTTP setting. Set the Backend port to 80 and the Request time-out to 3000 seconds and click Add. Now select select your new HTTP setting for the HTTP settings field and click Add to add the routing rule.

Click Next: Tags and Next: Review + create to validate your configuration. When validation passes, click Create to provision the gateway.

Back on the command line, add the following annotation to the execution-engine’s Ingress resources:

  annotations: azure/application-gateway

The command to do this looks like:

$ kubectl edit ingress --kubeconfig=PATH_TO_kubeconfig -n NAMESPACE execution-engine

If configured correctly, you’ll see something like the following with the public IP address from the gateway:

$ kubectl get ingress --kubeconfig=PATH_TO_kubeconfig -n NAMESPACE
NAME               CLASS    HOSTS    ADDRESS         PORTS   AGE
execution-engine   <none>   *   80      14m

Ingress path-matching patterns

Note that the path-matching pattern for the PathPrefix Ingress type isn’t a regular expression but rather complies with the following patterns:

  • /v1/algo/* will forward any /v1/algo/.* route
  • /v1/algo/.* will match the literal route /v1/algo/.*

Once you have local access to your AKS cluster and its kubeconfig file and you’ve enabled cluster ingress, navigate back to the Constellation docs to proceed with deploying a Constellation satellite to your AKS cluster.