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Retrieve Algorithm Build-Time Logs


You can query Algorithmia’s API to retrieve build logs for a given algorithm. We offer the following two routes for retrieving build logs; you may decide that one is more convenient based on your workflow or use case. The /builds endpoint can be used to retrieve information for any algorithm build, while the /versions endpoint will only list algorithm builds that’ve been published.

  • /v1/algorithms/ALGO_OWNER/ALGO_NAME/builds/BUILD_ID
  • /v1/algorithms/ALGO_OWNER/ALGO_NAME/versions/ALGO_VERSION_HASH

Note that in the code samples below, AUTH_TOKEN represents either a standard (non-admin) API key, or a JSON Web Token (JWT), associated with the account that owns the algorithm of interest or that’s a member of the organization that owns the algorithm.

Retrieving build logs from the /builds endpoint

To retrieve the logs for a specific build of an algorithm, you’ll first need to know the algorithm build UUID. For a given algorithm, you can list all of the algorithm builds with the following request.

REST request

curl https://CLUSTER_DOMAIN/v1/algorithms/ALGO_OWNER/ALGO_NAME/builds \
   -H 'Authorization: Simple AUTH_TOKEN' \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

REST response

  "marker": null,
  "next_link": null,
  "results": [
      "build_id": "d01d403d-a853-4831-9fff-9783a7b7e956",
      "status": "succeeded",
      "commit_sha": "8e36fbf53f57fa1f1b681b1f1ab178b6f989976f",
      "started_at": "2021-07-29T21:12:56.442Z",
      "finished_at": "2021-07-29T21:13:44.251Z"
      "build_id": "8a366318-3ee9-4a0e-8fc9-7e1af60c67bf",
      "status": "succeeded",
      "commit_sha": "0b1e586f4db06756775795bcd4b42ad4352b652e",
      "started_at": "2021-07-28T18:11:42.749Z",
      "finished_at": "2021-07-28T18:12:30.946Z",
      "version_info": {
        "semantic_version": "0.1.0"

The build_id value in the response is the build UUID. You can use any build_id value to replace the value of BUILD_ID in the following request to retrieve the logs for a specific algorithm build.

REST request

curl https://CLUSTER_DOMAIN/v1/algorithms/ALGO_OWNER/ALGO_NAME/builds/BUILD_ID/logs \
   -H 'Authorization: Simple AUTH_TOKEN' \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

REST response

  "logs": "Sending build context to Docker daemon  1.039MB\n\nStep 1/21 : FROM hub.CLUSTER_DOMAIN/algorithmiahq/langpack-builder:d8f3110a-ad46-4008-a099-a33824522d09 as builder\nd8f3110a-ad46-4008-a099-a33824522d09: Pulling from algorithmiahq/langpack-builder\n83ee3a23efb7: Already exists\n...\nDeleted: sha256:b270ba38027a1071cd8077373357e220d8bf55c2199c1cce574a76a411b11e73\nDeleted: sha256:866ca1d71d949043729ec119130ac3e1785fae8ae3a6c1b3193ddfbc9be7a0dc"

Note that the log output shown above has been shortened for this documentation. The response will contain the entire log output from the algorithm build process, including any errors that may have been encountered.

Retrieving build logs from the /versions endpoint

To retrieve the logs for a specific build of a published algorithm, you’ll first need to know its algorithm version hash. In Algorithmia’s browser UI, the algorithm version hash information is available under an algorithm profile’s Builds tab. You can also list all of the algorithm’s published versions with the following request.

REST request

$ curl https://CLUSTER_DOMAIN/v1/algorithms/ALGO_OWNER/ALGO_NAME/versions \
    -H 'Authorization: Simple AUTH_TOKEN' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

REST response

  "marker": null,
  "next_link": null,
  "results": [
      "id": "4a1b7a2a-4183-4939-a292-26e677aeba73",
      "name": "ALGO_NAME",
      "details": {
        "label": "ALGO_NAME",
        "tagline": ""
      "settings": {
        "algorithm_callability": "private",
        "source_visibility": "closed",
        "package_set": "python39",
        "license": "apl",
        "network_access": "full",
        "pipeline_enabled": true,
        "insights_enabled": false,
        "algorithm_environment": "d8f3110a-ad46-4008-a099-a33824522d09"
      "version_info": {
        "git_hash": "8e36fbf53f57fa1f1b681b1f1ab178b6f989976f",
        "sample_input": "\"\"",
        "sample_output": "Exception encountered while running sample input",
        "version_uuid": "ec329139-fca8-4f07-b470-f76521831e27"

You can use a version’s git_hash value from the response to replace ALGO_VERSION_HASH in the request below to retrieve the logs. The logs will be returned in the compilation.output property of the response body, as shown below.

REST request

$ curl https://CLUSTER_DOMAIN/v1/algorithms/ALGO_OWNER/ALGO_NAME/versions/ALGO_VERSION_HASH \
    -H 'Authorization: Simple AUTH_TOKEN' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

REST response

  "id": "4a1b7a2a-4183-4939-a292-26e677aeba73",
  "name": "ALGO_NAME",
  "details": {
    "label": "ALGO_NAME",
    "tagline": ""
  "compilation": {
    "successful": true,
    "output": "Sending build context to Docker daemon  1.039MB\n\nStep 1/21 : FROM hub.CLUSTER_DOMAIN/algorithmiahq/langpack-builder:d8f3110a-ad46-4008-a099-a33824522d09 as builder\nd8f3110a-ad46-4008-a099-a33824522d09: Pulling from algorithmiahq/langpack-builder\n83ee3a23efb7: Already exists\n...\nDeleted: sha256:b270ba38027a1071cd8077373357e220d8bf55c2199c1cce574a76a411b11e73\nDeleted: sha256:866ca1d71d949043729ec119130ac3e1785fae8ae3a6c1b3193ddfbc9be7a0dc"
  "resource_type": "algorithm"

Note that the log output shown above has been shortened for this documentation. The response will contain the entire log output from the algorithm build process, including any errors that may have been encountered.