Developer Center

Resources to get you started with Algorithmia

Secret Store


Algorithmia’s Secret Store enables you to securely store sensitive data like credentials and access tokens to be accessed from within your algorithms. To learn how to set and modify secrets and how to then retrieve them from within your algorithms, see docs for using the Secret Store. Note that the Secret Store is first available in Algorithmia version 20.5.52.

The Secret Store page in the admin panel contains information on how to create plugins so that you can add external secret providers.


We take security seriously at Algorithmia, and this is especially true with our Secret Store. We employ the following strategies on our platform to protect your sensitive data:

  • Secret values are only decrypted on the target worker node.
  • Secret values are encrypted by the provider plugin on the web-server. Note that it’s the plugin author’s job to ensure encryption happens before the value is sent to the underlying storage mechanism, via encryption within the plugin and/or via secure transport (e.g., HTTPS).
  • All internal network traffic (including secret metadata) is secured via IPsec at the network level.

Internal Secret Store

We provide an internal Secret Store plugin that’s loaded by default in every cluster. This plugin stores secrets in the internal database that backs the Algorithmia application, and in our implementation, secret values are encrypted before being written to that database. Depending on your cluster settings, the entire database may also be encrypted on disk. The default internal plugin appears as Internal Secret Provider in the UI, as shown below.

Secret provider plugins

How to write a secret provider plugin

To use an external secret provider, you must write a Java plugin; this GitHub repository has the implementation details. Below, we also provide example plugin implementations for Hashicorp Vault and Azure Key Vault.

The general steps to create a plugin are as follows:

  1. Create a new Java project.
  2. Add the algorithmia plugin-sdk maven package as specified in the README.
  3. Implement the “secrets” interfaces found here, noting that:
    1. SecretProviderFactory is the entry point that will be used to instantiate your provider by calling the create method.
    2. SecretProvider will do the heavy lifting.
    3. We provide a SimpleSecret class to wrap basic secret values/TTL. It implements the Secret interface, so you may choose to use your own implementation instead of a SimpleSecret.
    4. Follow the JavaDoc for the interface methods to determine how each method should behave.
  4. Export your project as a JAR file with your classes.

How to import a Secret Store provider plugin

To use a secret provider plugin on your Algorithmia cluster, you must import it. You can do this either through the browser UI or through the admin API; both processes are described below.

Importing a secret provider plugin through the browser UI

Within the Algorithmia browser UI, navigate to the Secret Store page on the admin panel, accessible at /admin/secret-store.

In the upper-right corner, click the New Provider button and fill out the form as follows:

  • Name and Description are used in the UI when creating a new secret for an algorithm. These values should be meaningful, so that users creating secrets can use them to differentiate between the providers.
  • Upload module is where you upload the JAR file created from your provider plugin.
  • Provider factory classname is the name of the class that implements the SecretProviderFactory interface, e.g., com.algorithmia.plugin.vault.VaultSecretProviderFactory. Key-value pairs are passed as a Map<String, String> to the SecretProviderFactory.create method and are encrypted before being stored in the Algorithmia application’s database. For details on which key-value pairs are required, see the Key-value pairs section for your provider of interest in the examples below.
  • Click the Add Secret Provider button to add the provider.

Importing a Secret Store provider plugin through the admin API

To upload a JAR file via the API, you can use the /v1/admin/secret-provider endpoint.

The code sample below shows how you can create a secret provider with cURL. Note that you’ll need to substitute ADMIN_API_KEY with a valid admin API key, and CLUSTER_DOMAIN with your specific cluster’s domain name. The remaining parameters match the field names from the section above, where moduleName is the name of the JAR file that you uploaded, and the key-value pairs specified under configuration are plugin-specific required parameters that depend on the secret provider (the specifics are listed in the READMEs for each respective plugin example).

$ curl https://api.CLUSTER_DOMAIN/v1/admin/secret-provider \
    -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Simple ADMIN_API_KEY' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "moduleName": "string",
      "factoryClassName": "string",
      "interfaceVersion": "string",
      "configuration": {
        "key_1": "value_1"
      "isEnabled": true,
      "isDefault": true

When you run the command above you’ll receive a response payload with the providerID value that’s been assigned to the new provider. To upload the JAR file, run the following command, substituting this providerID value for PROVIDER_ID in the URI, as well as the values for your admin API key and local file path.

$ curl https://api.CLUSTER_DOMAIN/v1/admin/plugins/secret-provider/PROVIDER_ID
    -X POST
    -H 'Authorization: Simple ADMIN_API_KEY' \
    -F 'provider=@/LOCAL/PATH/TO/YOUR/MODULE.jar'

Example Secret Store provider plugins

By writing a Secret Store provider plugin, you can integrate external vault systems, such as Azure Key Vault and Hashicorp Vault, with Algorithmia. The following are provided as example plugin implementations, but note that they’re included to provide guidance only and aren’t supported or included in the scope of Algorithmia Support.

Hashicorp Vault

Example plugin implementation

An example implementation of a Hashicorp Vault plugin is available in this GitHub repository, the README of which contains instructions for implementing and configuring the plugin. Note that this is unsupported and provided as an example only.

Key-value pairs

When you create a new provider and upload the plugin module, you’ll need to specify the following key-value pairs.

  • vault_addr: the address to reach the vault API
  • vault_token: the token used to access the vault
  • vault_secret_path: the path that will be prefixed to all secrets managed by this plugin

Azure Key Vault

Example plugin implementation

An example implementation of an Azure Key Vault plugin is available in this GitHub repository, the README of which contains instructions for implementing and configuring the plugin. Note that this is unsupported and provided as an example only.

Key-value pairs

When you create a new provider and upload the plugin module, you’ll need to specify the following key-value pairs. These are passed directly to the corresponding options of the Azure KeyVault java SDK SecretClientBuilder class via the ClientSecretCredentialBuilder.

  • vault_url: the Azure Key Vault URL
  • client_id: the Azure Client ID (UUID)
  • client_secret: the Azure token to authenticate to Azure
  • tenant_id: the Azure tenant ID (UUID) *