Get Started
After you’ve made your first API call, you can learn more about using the Algorithmia clients in the guides below. The clients can be used in your own applications to call algorithms, access data, or to manage the Algorithmia platform. The clients can also be used in the algorithms you write, letting you work with the Data API or call additional algorithms from your own code, letting you use utility functions and chain algorithms together.
For a complete description of the API’s functionality, you can refer to the API docs.
In addition to the client guides, you can visit our integrations page for more details about integrating with other software and frameworks, such as building apps for R Shiny, calling the API in Spark Streaming, working with MLFlow, visualizing data with Tableau, and making use of the Algorithmia Insights metrics pipeline.
The guides below will take you through setting up and using the Algorithmia client libraries for our supported languages.